For those of you who thought there was no real meaning behind this flash... What? Of course there is, and this is my take on it...
The beetle feels the need for a better American leader (in this case obviously republican - the elephant couldn't be clearer), and creates one. However, once all the patriotism and show has won over the population and consequently the vote, the new leader actually becomes a monster and begins unjust wars and such, and propaganda machines are born in the process. Sound like anyone we know? Perhaps that simian president? In the end, the beetle feels remorse and regrets ever creating such a creature, and in turn exterminates it. This last part is merely fiction. The rest? It could very likely be a retelling of the story of George.
This is just my take, as a foreign viewer who's been watching the eyes of the Republican population of America being blindfolded. However, I would love to hear from the author himself... What was the actual story being told?
Now to the actual assessment: The graphics and style were visually pleasing. Very crisp - I like. You put so much detail in this flash, which really made it stand out. One scene in particular; the X-ray was nicely done. The Asio Kids soundtrack went well with the flash, and you managed to match what was happening in the animation with the actual song - kudos. The violence and humor weren't supposed to be the main focus, I'm assuming, but there was definitely a lot of calculated irony.
Well done. I thoroughly enjoyed this one - thanks for putting much thought into your flash.